Monday, March 24, 2008

a year ago, and other random stuff

Linda emailed me earlier today (which is saying something since it's 6am right now and this was hours ago) and asked if I knew were we were a year ago. Well DUH. We were in Yosemite!

Then we both lamented the fact that we weren't there right now.

Our Yosemite posts (see March archive, from the 25th through the 30th and then onto April 1st, and of course hers from the same time) still make me laugh, and I read them every so often and think happy thoughts.

I miss my friends Jim and Karen, that's one thought.

But I'm going to ALA in SF in May (not to present) with a school chum and we're going to tack on a day trip at the end, so that's something.

I also hereby promise to use my Hiking Washington and Hiking Idaho books as soon as school is over (1st week of May) least until summer session II in June (I am teaching one class).

In other news:
* I haven't talked a lot (if at all) about my students this semester, but they're great. They're finishing up a project right now that should be written up in the student daily newspaper as well as the weekly faculty/staff newspaper. When it is, I'll link to it. Did you know that "buku telpon" is Indonesian for "telephone books"? Now you do.

* I'm taking Max to the vet today. He needs a steroid/antibiotic shot in his chin. Good times.

* There are only five more weeks of school. That's a good thing.

* Let me tell you how behind I am in everything: way. Ok, that's not true. I'm maintaining in my seminars, but it's going to get really stressful really soon. I'm behind in work, and the last little bit of my book, and a few other little projects.

* The flip side is that next semester—I'm only teaching two classes, taking two seminars, and shadowing a prof in another class—will seem like a vacation from this four seminars/teaching one thing I'm doing now. And working. There will always be that.

* I was asked to talk to a class of undergrads on Tuesday. The thought of it still cracks me up a little. Me? You want me to talk to your Advanced Multimedia Authoring class? Oh wait, I guess that does make sense.

* I have to miss part of my Naturalism seminar to do the little talk. There's something ironic, or at least funny, about that. To me, at least.

* Back to work.

How's by you?

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