Tuesday, January 1, 2008

happy new year!

I'm not a resolution-maker (I said the same thing last year), but I am all about wishing people a happy day.

When I did a search for "resolution" on this site, to ensure that indeed I did not make any resolutions last year, I was reminded of the theme for 2007. I had forgotten. Then I chuckled (out loud, even).

The theme for 2007, per Dr. Shellie, was "embrace uncertainty." In last year's post I said:
I'm a planner. I like things to be orderly. I do not enjoy not knowing where I'll be in eight months. But what can I really do about it? Nothing. So, I should embrace uncertainty. I'm not sure I can go that far, so maybe my theme for 2007 (at least the first 3/4 of it) should be "ignore uncertainty."
Why the chuckling? Because (almost) everything worked out just fine. I love it here. [The not-selling-the-condo-yet thing keeps me from saying "everything worked out".]

Since last year's borrowing-a-theme-from-someone-else worked out so well, I'm going to do it again this year. I'm adopting undine's 4th academic resolution as a theme (not a resolution!):

It's easier to stay caught up than to get caught up.

Yep. That's going to be my theme. Or guiding principle. Something like that.


Totally unrelated, but funny: "You know you live in a sparsely populated region when..." you're driving back from Spokane (72 miles, looks like this only with snow) and you get a phone call. The call goes like this:

"Dude, are you driving back from Spokane?"

"Uh, yes..."

"I just passed you!"

[cell reception drops out]


cracked me up.

Happy New Year!
